Creating and Managing Users

Creating users for your Updox account is easy.  Follow the steps outlined in this article to create practice users today. 

1. To get started, gather the user information you need beforehand.  You will need the user's first name, last name, and email address.  

2. After you log in to your account, go to Menu, select Admin, and click on Users

3. To add a new user click New at the bottom of the console. To ensure the user is not already in Updox, you can search in the filter field. 

4. To create a user, enter the first name, last name, and the user's email address as the username.  A user-defined or generic password can be entered.  Remember to check 'Admin' if the user needs access to the administrator options. 

Most fields aren’t required when creating a user. First name, last name, username, and password are the only required fields.

5. Review the user's settings.  Check or uncheck any boxes for the permissions for the user. If you are connected to an EHR, please set the 'EHR User ID' for importing under the User Settings.  Click Save at the bottom of the console to save the user information. 

Suggesting that users bookmark or save the login page will allow for easy access. Always recommend the use of Chrome as the default browser.

6. If you need to edit an existing user, go to the Users section under Admin and click the user's name to make changes.  This includes resetting the user's password or deactivating users no longer with your organization.