March 2024 Release Notes

Add /SmsSendNumberList Public API

We have created a new SmsSendNumberList API under /SmsActions  so that partners can retrieve the SMS number list for an account including the provisioned numbers, associated location/queue (if applicable), and verification status. This allows our partners to know which numbers are available for use (available to send on).

New Partner Business Details Page in Partner Portal

We have added a new Partner Business Details page to the Partner Portal for partner management of vendor business details for maintaining the company info as well as the primary point of contact on file with Updox, which is especially important for the SMS number verification process required for all SMS products.

Update to /PatientDirectMessageSend 'from' Field to Treat Blank the same as NULL

The Public API of /PatientDirectMessageSendwill now work from the newio/"Interactive API" page when not using `from`. Additionally, we fixed some validation throughout the API.