VideoCallActions - Retrieval APIs

Overview of Retrieval APIs

Updox Video Chat APIs, located under VideoCallActions, and webhooks were designed to be leveraged in tandem with the Updox Video Chat web interface ( to provide our partners and customers with an optimal integrated Telehealth experience.


  • Retrieve the final summary details of completed calls including the start date time, host information, participant information, notes, and attachmentIds.   Use the summaryId and attachmentId to retrieve the call summary attachments via the /RetrieveCallSummaryAttachments API. 
  • It is required to utilize the video_call_end_ summary_available webhook in order to receive the necessary summaryId to call this API and retrieve the end call summary details. 


  • Retrieve the content and metadata of a call attachment. The returned content is Base64 URL-encoded with padding.  
  • It is required to utilize the video_call_end_ summary_available webhook in order to receive the necessary summaryId to call this API.
  • attachmentIds required to pull the summary attachments can only be retrieved via the RetrieveCallSummaryDetails API.


  • Obtain the Call IDs of completed Video Chats for a specified time range.  The response will include a list of callIds within the timeframe specified by the request parameters.  


  • Retrieve the video call details of completed calls.
  • Generally utilized for billing purposes.  
  • Video Call metrics will be available the day after the call took place, so it is recommended that partners subscribe to the video_call_end_metrics_available webhook to be notified once the call data is available for retrieval.  For partners setting up automated flows, we recommend they pull the callIds from the day before since Updox handles data rectification for Video Calls each evening for the calls that took place that day. 


  •  Retrieve a list of all active public video chat waiting rooms for a specific account.
  • Waiting rooms are managed in the webapp, so users of the account control the whether a waiting room is private or public and can adjust these settings as they see fit.  It is recommended that partners subscribe to the webhook to be notified when public waiting room changes are made by users of the account.


  • Retrieving Post Video Call Data: 
    • To retrieve Video Chat Summary information, including saved notes and screenshots, first subscribe to the video_call_end_ summary_available webhook.  Then use the received summaryId to call the RetrieveCallSummaryDetails API.  If screenshots were saved, the attachmentId will be supplied in the response.  Then use the the RetrieveCallSummaryAttachments to retrieve the screenshots (aka attachments).
    • Since Video Chat Summaries are optionally saved by the Video Chat host, we recommend using the RetrieveCallIds API or the video_call_end_metrics_available webhook to obtain the callIds necessary to call the RetrieveCallMetrics API to collect the details of a Video Chat.  It is recommended that partners collect callIds daily for video calls which were completed/ended the previous day.  This allows for any data rectification to be completed prior to retrieving the final metrics. 

Custom Errors

  • 4015: “unauthorized API” - If the Video Chat 2.0 module is not active on the account.
  • 4012: “Unauthorized [User does not exist, is inactive, or is not authorized for this action]” - If the user is inactive; users must be active to retrieve video chat data. 


  • Post call details:
    • If an alternative notification method is utilized, the invite will be sent to the specified number/email however will NOT be associated to the patient/contact, so post call details will not reflect the patient/contact ID.
    • Since participants who join a public waiting room aren’t associated to an existing patient/contact, no participant details will be supplied in the post call details.