May 2022

Public API Changes

Added a New 'Reminder History' Status API

Overview: New API

We have created a new AppointmentActions API called RetrieveReminderHistoryStatus that allows Partners to retrieve reminder status details for an account. 

Retrieve the reminder history status for an account which were created between fromDatetime and toDatetime. The time period must be between 1 minute and 24 hours.

Component List

Response object includes a list of lines with each line composed of:

  • accountId - non-nullable string
    • The application's accountId of the practice the reminder is for from PracticeActions -> PracticeCreate, PracticeUpdate, PracticeSave -> accountId
  • appointmentId - non-nullable string
    • The application's appointmentId the reminder is for from IntegrationActions -> AppointmentsSync -> id
  • patientId - non-nullable string
    • The application's patientId the reminder is for from IntegrationActions -> PatientsSync -> id
  • updoxReminderId - non-nullable uint64
    • The Updox created reminderId which uniquely references a reminder record (N of these records per appointmentId)
  • updoxReminderHistoryId - non-nullable uint64
    • The Updox created reminderHistoryId which uniquely references a reminder history record (N of these records per updoxReminderId)
  • type - non-nullable string
    • The reminder type being sent, one of Email, Telephone-Home, Telephone-Cell, Text Message, and No Reminder
  • createdAt - non-nullable instant
    • The time the record happened at, format ISO-8601
  • sentAt - nullable instant
    • The time at which the reminder was sent to the patient, format ISO-8601
  • repliedAt - nullable instant
    • The time at which the reminder was replied to by the patient, format ISO-8601
  • reminderStatus - nullable string
    • The status description for the reminder (ex: "sent", "confirmed", etc.)
  • reminderStatusReason - nullable string
    • The status reason description for the reminder (ex: "Text reminder successfully delivered to destination", "Patient replied to confirm this appointment", etc.

NOTE: This endpoint requires whitelisting before usage. Please contact Updox via for more details if interested.