Our new layout at the top of the Updox Inbox makes it easier to review system statuses without filling your Inbox with pop-ups on the right.
What are Notifications?
Notifications are system-generated messages that appear in Updox to indicate the status of an action taken. These notifications can be generally categorized into one of four groups:
- Success messages: Actions taken in Updox were successful, such as items sent to the EHR or contacts / patients saved in the address book.
- Error Messages: An error occurred while completing an action in Updox, prompting you to retry.
- Warning Messages: If an action couldn’t be completed the first time, but Updox is going to retry, such as a busy fax line when sending a fax. These will eventually result in a success or failure.
- Info Messages: General information on actions taken in Updox, such as a sent fax reaching a ‘completed’ status.
How do I manage Notifications?
You can control which notifications you see, as well as review notifications that occur during an Updox session. Click on the ‘bell’ and choose ‘Do No Disturb’ or toggle each type to off if you don’t want to receive notifications.

To clear the notifications: click on ‘Recent Notifications’ to review and dismiss.