VideoCallActions - SendInvite


Updox Video Chat APIs, located under VideoCallActions, and webhooks were designed to be leveraged in tandem with the Updox Video Chat web interface ( to provide our partners and customers with an optimal integrated Telehealth experience.


  • Provides the ability to invite a patient/contact via SMS or email to a specified user’s Video Chat Waiting Room.


  • Requires that Video Chat be enabled for the account.  Partners can activate Video Chat on the Accounts page within the Updox Partner Portal or by using the /PracticeModuleSave API.
  • Requires an existing patient or contact to invite.  Use /PatientsSync to create a patient, or /ContactsSync to create a contact.
  • The /VideoCallActions APIs reference the UserId, which corresponds the the 'UserId' set via /UserCreate, /UserSave, or /UserUpdate.  Users created in the Updox web application cannot be leveraged when using the /VideoCallActions APIs. Partners can create users through the Updox Partner Portal or by using the /UserCreate API.  NOTE: Users created in the Updox web application cannot be leveraged when using the /VideoCallActions APIs.
    • The waitingRoomOwnerUserId should be populated with the userId of the user who owns the Video Chat Waiting Room the invite is being sent for.  However, if no waiting room exists when /SendInvite is called, one will be created for the specified user. 

Best Practices

  • Waiting Room Delegate Access: 
    • Delegate access for Video Chat Waiting Rooms can be established and is managed by each individual user within their waiting room settings in the Video Chat web interface.
    • If the sendingUserId is not specified the waitingRoomOwnerUserId will be utilized as the sender. 
  • Utilizing Alternative Contact Information for When Sending a Video Chat Invite:
    • altNotificationSmsNumber or altNotificationEmailAddress can be optionally specified if the invite needs to be sent to a different number/email address than what's on file for the patient/contact. 

Custom Errors

  • 4015: “unauthorized API” - If the Video Chat 2.0 module is not active on the account.
  • 4012: “Unauthorized [User does not exist, is inactive, or is not authorized for this action]” - If the sending user is inactive; sending users must be active to send an invite. 
  • 4012: "User does not have appropriate permissions set to Video Chat." - If the user doesn’t have permission for Video Chat; this is managed in the Updox Admin Users menu within the Updox web interface. 
  • 4233: "The sending user does not have delegate access to the waiting room of the owning user supplied." - If the sendingUserId doesn't have delegate access already established to the waiting room specified as the waitingRoomOwnerUserId. 
  • 4070: “No contact information on file for the method specified.” - If the necessary contact info is missing for the specified patient/contact and method.


  • Post call details:
    • If an alternative notification method is utilized, the invite will be sent to the specified number/email however will NOT be associated to the patient/contact, so post call details will not reflect the patient/contact ID.
    • Since participants who join a public waiting room aren’t associated to an existing patient/contact, no participant details will be supplied in the post call details.