Video Chat: Webhooks

Video Management

Video Call End Metrics Available




2  "accountId": "string",
3  "callId": "string",
4  "availableAfterDatetime": "<YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ>"


Push notification event when video call end metrics are available to be retrieved through /video/RetrieveCallMetrics

Triggered on video calls started by either the /video/SendInvite API or Updox video UI actions

Payload Summary

  • accountId: the unique identifier of the account

  • callId: the unique identifier of the video call which now has metrics available

  • availableAfterDatetime: the date/time after which the metrics are available for the given callId, format is ISO-8601

Post Event Actions
Use the accountId  in the authentication and callId in the request body of /video/RetrieveCallMetrics (from VideoCallActions) to retrieve the call metrics. 

NotesThis webhook maybe delayed by up-to roughly 24 hours after the end of the call to fully rectify data.

Video Call End Summary Available




2  "accountId": "string",
3  "summaryId": "string",
4  "submittedAtDatetime": "<YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ>"


Push notification event when an end of video call summary is available to be retrieved through /video/RetrieveCallSummaryDetails

Triggered on video calls started by either the /video/SendInvite API or Updox video UI actions

Payload Summary

  • accountId: the unique identifier of the account

  • summaryId: the unique identifier of the video call summary 

  • submittedAtDatetime: the date/time at which the summaryId was submitted, format is ISO-8601

Post Event Actions
Use the accountId and a userId in the authentication and summaryId in the request body of /video/RetrieveCallSummaryDetails (from VideoCallActions) to retrieve the call end summary details.


For a given video call the end of video call summary is optional, so not all video calls will have associated summaries.

Video Waiting Room Participant Ready




2  "accountId": "string",
3  "owningUserId": "string or null",
4  "delegateUserIds": [
5    "string"
6  ],
7  "readyAtDatetime": "<YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ>",  
8  "participant": {
9    "id": "string or null",    
10   "category": "string"
11  }


Push notification event when a participant is ready within the Updox video chat application

Triggered by Updox video UI actions

Payload Summary

  • accountId: the unique identifier of the account

  • owningUserId: the unique identifier, if it exists, of the user who owns the waiting room which the participant became ready in

  • delegateUserIds: list of the user unique identifier(s) which have access to the given owningUserId’s waiting room

  • readyAtDatetime: the date/time the participant is ready at, format is ISO-8601

  • participant: who is now ready in the waiting room

    • id: the unique identifier of the participant, based on category matches /ContactsSync (id), /PatientsSync (internalId), or null

    • category: the type of participant that joined, one of (contact, patient, or unknown)

Post Event Actions
Use the event to prompt users to navigate into the Updox video chat application and meet with the given participant

Video Waiting Room Public Access




2  "accountId": "string",
3  "waitingRoomId": "string",
4  "owningUserId": "string or null",
5  "changedByUserId": "string or null",
6  "public": boolean,
7  "changedAtDatetime": "<YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ>"


Push notification event when the public access of a waiting room is added or modified.

Triggered by Updox video UI actions

Payload Summary

  • accountId: the unique identifier of the account
  • waitingRoomId: the unique identifier of the waiting room which was updated

  • owningUserId: the unique identifier, if it exists, of the user who owns waitingRoomId

  • changedByUserId: the unique identifier, if it exists, of the user who updated the public access of waitingRoomId

  • public: true/false does this waiting room have a publicly available waiting room URL

  • changedAtDatetime: the date/time the video call was completed, TODO, format is ISO-8601

Post Event Actions
Use the accountId for authentication to call /video/RetrievePublicWaitingRooms (from VideoCallActions) looking for the given waitingRoomId to retrieve and review the publicUrl and/or expiringPublicUrls.