FAQ: Broadcast

Frequently Asked Questions for Updox Broadcast Messaging

Broadcast Text Warning Notification:

"I understand that I cannot use Updox Broadcast to send targeted marketing or promotional messages. Failure to observe this policy is in violation of my Master Service Agreement and may result in Updox suspending or disabling access to Broadcast."

** This was added to comply with new restrictions put in place by carriers that process and receive these messages.

Text messages are a great way to reach your patients, however, there are best practices that should be followed.

  • To successfully send text messages containing a link, it is recommended that you use a dedicated domain that belongs to your business. Use your own domain for your own shortened URLs or use a paid URL shortener that will provide you with your own unique domain - Example - (www.updoxpharmacy.com/octoberoffers).
  • Shortened URLs are not allowed - Using URL shorteners, such as TinyUrl or Bitly links will block the message and the Broadcast will not send.
  • With the rising popularity of text messaging - comes the risk of spam and scams. To help ensure safe message delivery, third-party text services no longer allow shortened URLs.
  • Promotional messages and messages related to offers for prescription medicines will be flagged by third-party vendors and may not be delivered.
  • Based on federal laws prohibiting the sale of cannabis, the use of Updox products  (Quick Send, Broadcast, Reminders) to send messages related to cannabis is not permitted. Some examples of terms that will be flagged include but are not limited to MMJ, marijuana, cannabis, releaf, and CBD.

Other FAQs and How To’s

1. Can someone reply to a Broadcast Message?

No, broadcast messaging is a one-way form of communication. Attempts to reply or respond to an incoming broadcast message will not be received.

2. When will my Broadcast be sent?

Broadcast messages are queued and then sent. 

  • Recurring messages start sending at 9:00 a.m. 
  • If a Broadcast is scheduled for the same day it will queue and send as quickly as possible.

3. I cannot schedule or send my broadcasts

You may be navigating to Menu - Admin - Broadcast Configuration. This is a great place to go if you need to edit lists or templates for broadcasts. If you want to create a broadcast with a recurring interval, go to Menu - Home - Broadcast

4. Recurring Broadcast

  • You must send the initial broadcast message to start a scheduled broadcast. Select Yes from the Set to Repeat drop-down before sending.
    * Setting Broadcasts to repeat will cause the same Broadcasts List and Message to be retained and sent at the assigned interval. Repeating Broadcasts will be sent out at 9:00 AM. Weekly Broadcasts will be sent on the same day of the week as the initial Broadcast. Monthly Broadcasts will be sent on the same day of the month.
  • How to view or stop existing scheduled Broadcast
  • Navigate to Menu - Admin - Broadcast Configuration. You can see the name of the broadcast and the date created but do not have the ability to edit. If you need to stop a scheduled broadcast, you may click the X to permanently delete it.

5. My patient does not want broadcast messages anymore. How can they opt out of them?

A Patient can reply STOP to a broadcast they received. Once the STOP is received, they will no longer see these messages.

6.My Patient opted out of the broadcast and didn’t mean to or wants to opt back in.

To opt back in they just need to reply with START

7. What if I want to send a Broadcast to only specific people?

Create custom patient lists for broadcasting (Menu - Admin - Broadcast Configuration).

8. Can Broadcast list be removed from (Menu - Admin - Broadcast Configuration - Lists)? 

No, they can be deactivated or renamed but not removed


9. What if my patients do not want to receive a certain type of message (Text, phone, email)?

  • Marking the patient’s preferred reminder method as “No Reminders” (or something that isn’t text messaging). 
  • When scheduling broadcasts, make sure to respect the patient’s preferred communication method. Updox only sends broadcast messages to patients that have a matching preferred communication method. For example, if their preferred communication method is home phone, they wouldn’t receive a text broadcast *This affects other patients and Updox Reminders.