Templates User Guide
Templates are a great way to streamline common text and fax responses and standardize messaging for user efficiency. After logging into your Updox account, choose Menu > Admin > Templates . Click New at the bottom of the panel to start a n...
Text Templates with Forms
Text Templates with Forms Using templates with text saves time for office staff when communicating with patients and meets patients where they are, on their mobile devices. In anticipation of our updated forms product, here is a list of templa...
How To: Using the Document Editor Features
The Document Editor gives you the ability to quickly and seamlessly edit items in your Updox Inbox. Below are the top five common features used across Updox: Text Box - The Text Box tool will allow you to type any free text onto a docume...
Tips and Tricks: Printing or Dragging Documents to the Updox Inbox
Updox offers a variety of ways you can add documents to your inbox. Once in your inbox, you can combine multiple documents and send them out to another Two efficient ways of adding documents to your inbox are printing to Updox and dragging and dr...