Broadcast Reporting gives insights into how your Broadcast message performed with your patients.
Follow the steps below to use reporting in your practices.
Step 1:
From within Updox, click Menu > Home > Broadcast and navigate to the Reporting tab.
Step 2:
You can choose from the following selections:
- Time Range: You can choose Daily to show one day, or Date Range to see reporting for multiple days.
- From: Select the day(s) to pull the report.
- First Name: Search for patient’s first name to look for success or failure of the Broadcast message. Leaving this blank will pull all patients.
- Last Name: Search for patent’s last name to look for success or failure of Broadcast message. Leaving this blank will pull all patients.
- Contact Info: You can search by email address or phone number. Leaving this blank will pull all patients.
Click ‘Search’ once you’ve made your selections.

Step 3:
Data matching your criteria will be displayed within the report.

The report will show you the patient’s name, contact information, method in which the Broadcast was sent, the date and time the message was sent, and the status of the message.
Step 4:
You can click on a specific filter to narrow down your report, such as clicking on ‘Delivered’.