January 2024

New Telehealth URL

We have added the ability to add the link for a Public Waiting Room to reminders to simplify your Video Chat text and email reminder workflow. 

Once the link is set up, select it from the new Public Wating Room dropdown. 

Next, when setting up or editing your text or email reminder scripts, you can select the [telehealthurl]variable to link the waiting room you set up. 

For more information see our article Adding a Waiting Room Link to Your Reminders.

SMS Send From Numbers

You will soon be able to view the SMS numbers assigned to your practice (as well as queues or locations) as you are sending an SMS text message. Along with the number, we will display the carrier approval status so you know if the number is ready to be used.   You will also be able to add a number to the location or queue if it does not have one already assigned. 

A screenshot of a computer

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