Updated Articles

  1. How to: Creating Broadcast Patient Lists

    For specific Broadcast messages, you can create a custom patient list that will be available when sending to patients.   Step 1:   From within the Updox inbox choose Menu - Admin - Broadcast Configuration , click on ‘Lists’ then ‘New’ in the...
  2. How To: Create a Broadcast Template

    Broadcast templates are messaging templates with pre-set text to make sending common messages quickly within Updox.    Step 1:  From within Updox, click Menu - Admin - Broadcast Configuration . You must be an Updox Admin to access this option...
  3. How To: Send a Broadcast Message

    The Updox Broadcast tool will allow you to send one-way messages to all or a select group of patients at once, using the following steps
  4.  SMS Text Messaging Overview

    A quick video overview highlighting our SMS Text Messaging feature!
  5.  Overview: What is Video Chat?

    An in-depth webinar overviewing what Video Chat has to offer!
  6.  Participant Workflow

    An in-depth, video tutorial for Participant Workflow in Video Chat!
  7.  Waiting Room: Overview and Tutorial

    An in-depth, video tutorial on the Waiting Room in Video Chat!
  8.  Sending Invites: Overview and Tutorial

    An in-depth, video tutorial for Sending Invites in Video Chat!
  9.  Video Chat Overview

    A video overview of our updated Video Chat feature!
  10.  Faxing: Overview

    The video below will take you through an in-depth tutorial for using our Faxing feature to its highest potential!