March 2023 – What's New? Enforced Password Complexity on Reset Overview If a user utilizes the “Forgot Password” feature, they will need to adhere to the following guidelines when setting their new password. The new password must: Be a...
Filtering Your Tags with Type Ahead Search Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Helpful Tips: You may search for any letter or part of a tag name -- if it's in the tag name, it will appear in the list! You may use your keyboard...
Overview The intention of this document is to provide instructions for integrating with Updox’s Direct Secure Messaging service via secure SMTP. This document contains no instructions for certifying Edge via the Edge Testing Tool. Unless other...
Outbound Faxes gives you a detailed view into the faxes that have been sent out of your Updox account. Features Overview The Outbound Fax dashboard shows a complete day’s worth of faxes, always on one screen. If you want to view a different da...
Created On: 03/13/2023
in FAQ & Troubleshooting
Overview Due to rulings and regulations implemented by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) through the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), mobile carriers (e.g. Verizon) have implemented a series of policies and procedures to adh...
Coming Soon: Interpreter Services Overview With Updox Interpreter Services, providers can easily communicate with patients who speak a different language. An interpreter can be added to a Video Conferencing session both before and after the ch...
Public API Changes Updated /SmsSend Documentation on the NewIO Page Overview: API Maintenance We have updated the documentation of /SmsSend on the NewIO page to better represent the actual maximum character account that is allowed when consid...
Public API Changes Outdated MU Measure APIs Allowed Date Range No Longer to Exceed One Year Overview: API Maintenance Restricting date values to prevent infinite date ranges on MeaningfulUse_2017_Actions - MeaningfulUse_2021_Actions Al...
Public API Changes Updated Documentation for MessageRetrieveWithAttachmentId Overview: Documentation Update MessageRetrieveWithAttachmentId is not intended to be used to retrieve form data, instead use MessageActions.MessageRetrieve. NOTE: ...
Public API Changes Moved 2017-2021 MU APIs to Outdated Methods on the NewIO Page Overview: API Maintenance Hide all of the outdated Meaningful Use (MU) APIs (methods and endpoints) on the interactive API page and only display the one from the c...