New Articles

  1. Adding a Logo to Your Forms

    Learn how you can easily add a logo to your forms with the video below.  ...
  2. Creating New Forms

    Check out our video below to learn how to create your own forms.  ...
  3. Creating and Sending Form Packets

    Watch our video below to learn how to send form packets.  ...
  4. Sending Forms

    Check out our video below to learn how to send forms with the Forms Dashboard.  ...
  5. Adding a Logo to your Forms

    In the Updox Forms Dashboard, you can add a logo that will display on your forms with they are sent to your patients.  Only users with administrative permissions can add the logo.  To begin, go to Menu and select Forms .  From Forms Dashbo...
  6. 2025 Real World Testing Plan

  7. Creating Forms with the Forms Dashboard

    To create a form in Updox, start by going to Menu - Admin,  and select  Forms .   In Forms Management, you can manage existing and create new forms. Select the Forms Library tab and click Add New Form  to start a new form. Next, you ca...
  8. Form Dashboard Overview

    With Updox's Forms Dashboard, you can now connect forms to a specific patient at the time of send. You can also make packets (a grouping of forms) to send to your patients. After forms have been sent, the Forms Dashboard allows you to view the progr...
  9. Form Dashboard Patient Experience

    After you have sent your forms or packets to patients, they will receive a link to access and complete them.  Upon accessing the link, the patient will comes to a landing page with their assigned forms. Clicking Begin takes the patient...
  10. Sending Forms in the Forms Dashboard

    Through the Forms Dashboard, you can send forms directly to patients. You can also track their progress on forms and send a reminder to complete their forms before their appointment.  To get to the dashboard go to Menu and select Forms .  Se...