Public API Changes Require At Least One AppointmentType for /AppointmentTypesSync Overview: API Maintenance Previously the /AppointmentTypesSync would return successfully even if no appointmentTypes are included, which was confusing. If no ...
Overview Appointment Bundling is a feature that can be enabled within your Reminder Settings that allows for the ability to send all same-calendar day appointments for a patient into a single reminder message. In other words, if 'Patient A' has 3...
April 2023 – What's New? Create Placeholder Thumbnails on Retrieval Timeout Overview When a user logs in to the inbox, the page will begin grabbing thumbnail images for the folder items that are visible. However, if there are issues with...
Overview Text messages continue to be a highly preferred method of consumer engagement for many businesses including within healthcare. Mobile carriers (e.g. Verizon) have implemented a series of policies and procedures to increase trus...
Overview Due to rulings and regulations implemented by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) through the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), mobile carriers (e.g. Verizon) have implemented a series of policies and procedures t...